Upper Division Transfer BSN Selection Process

This pathway is impacted, therefore we cannot accept all qualified applicants. If the application meets the minimum requirements, the applicant will move forward in the review process. Points will be awarded based on criteria completed by the end of the Fall 2024 semester. The top applicants will be invited to interview. The final group offered admission will come from these interviews.

Admission Criteria Points Possible
Prerequisite Course Cumulative GPA 40
Overall Cumulative GPA 30
Proficiency in a Second Language 10
Applicable Work or Volunteer Experience 10
Completion of Additional Courses 5
Residency 5
POSSIBLE BONUS POINTS: Veteran/Active Duty or Spouse of Veteran/A.D. 5

Overall Cumulative GPA

The minimum cumulative GPA required for admission consideration is 3.25. The GPA is calculated using the applicant's college-level, transferable units earned by the end of the Fall 2024 semester. The CSUF Office of Admissions calculates an official cumulative GPA for every completed applicant.

Courses taken for Credit/No Credit or earned with AP/IB Credit are not factored into the GPA calculation. Additionally, any coursework taken after Fall 2024 is not factored into the GPA calculation.

GPA Points GPA Points
3.25 - 3.35 4 3.66 - 3.75 20
3.36 - 3.45 8 3.76 - 3.85 24
3.46 - 3.55 12 3.86 - 3.95 28
3.56 - 3.65 16 3.96 - 4.00 30

Prerequisite Course GPA

The minimum prerequisite course GPA required for admission consideration is 3.25. The prerequisite course GPA is calculated using the applicant's required prerequisite coursework: CSU GE A.1, CSU GE A.2, CSU GE A.3, Statistics, Human Anatomy + Lab, Human Physiology + Lab, and Microbiology + Lab.

If AP/IB Credit was earned for CSU GE A.2 or Statistics, those courses will not be factored into the GPA calculation. Chemistry is not factored into the GPA calculation.

GPA Points GPA Points
3.25 - 3.35 5 3.66 - 3.75 25
3.36 - 3.45 10 3.76 - 3.85 30
3.46 - 3.55 15 3.86 - 3.95 35
3.56 - 3.65 20 3.96 - 4.00 40

Applicable Work OR Volunteer Experience (Optional)

Points will only be awarded for applicable work OR volunteer experience – not both. Please see below for the documents we will accept for this optional upload. All documentation is subject to verification and approval.

Work Experience: We will only accept work experience through clinical certifications and/or licensed positions. Applicants must upload proof of current certificate or active license within the last ten years. Military positions must upload the military transcript. We accept the following certifications or licenses: Licensed Vocational Nurse, Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant, Licensed Occupational Therapy Assistant, Licensed Psychiatric Technician, Registered Dental Assistant, Home Health Aid, Phlebotomist (CPT I or II), EMT, Paramedic, Medical Assistant, Respiratory Therapist, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Military Corpsman or Medic. Resumes and/or CVs will not be accepted.

Hours Points
LVN, CNA, Corpsman or Medic 10 points
EMT, Paramedic, MA, Respiratory Therapist 7 points
Home Health Aid, Phlebotomist (CPT I or II) 4 points
PTA, OTA, LPT, or RDA 2 points

Volunteer Experience: Generally only accepted if you are supervised by a physician or RN, or it is completed in an acute care (hospital), skilled nursing facility, or hospice facility. Volunteer experience must involve personal interaction with patients or residents. Volunteer work at private residences is not accepted (unless trained/supervised by a physician or RN). Please use the Verification of Volunteer Hours Letter Template. Resumes and/or CVs will not be accepted.

Hours Points
200 or More Hours 10 points
131 – 199 Hours 7 points
61 – 130 Hours 4 points
1 - 60 Hours 2 points

Proficiency in a Second Language (Optional)

Applicants who are skilled in a language other than English will be awarded points on their application. There will be more information on this optional area within the application. All documentation is subject to verification and approval.

Level of Proficiency Points
Native Speaker or Fluent in a language other than English 10 points
Proficient in a language other than English 6 points


Points will be awarded based on the county where the applicant resides. All documentation is subject to verification and approval.

Residency Location Points
Orange, Riverside, or San Bernardino Counties 5
Other California Counties 3

Completion of Additional Required Courses

Applicants are required to complete two additional required courses: Introduction to Psychology AND Introduction to Sociology OR Cultural Anthropology. Unlike the prerequisites, these courses are not required to be complete before starting the BSN pathway, but points will be awarded to applicants who submit proof of completing these course(s) or proof of in-progress status in their application.

Course Completion Points
Both courses complete or in-progress with a grade of C or higher 5
One (1) course complete or in-progress with a grade of C or higher 3
Neither course complete or in-progress by the January 15 deadline 0