How many characters was your personal statement?

I hit 3000 characters and am all out of things to say. I know the max is 4500, so how many characters did you guys submit?

I'm trying to make it genuine but it's difficult to not make it about "me me me me me", "I did this and that". I don't know, I'm trying to make it the best it can be, but just not sure if I'm having the right tone with it.


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7+ Year Member Joined Feb 17, 2015 Messages 113 Reaction score 32

I submitted right at 4,498. You can ask your pre-health advisor to look over your personal statement and see what you are missing. Personally for me, my advisor looked for: why you want to be a pharmacist, what qualities do you have, your goals in pharmacy school or being a pharmacist in general, and how the PharmD program will help you achieve that goal.
Do you have any personal experience that related to pharmacy? Put it in there.
Any other experience regarding to your low grades (if you have low grades)? put it in there.
Your experience should relate to how it pursue to be a pharmacist and what you have learned from your experience.
My first paragraph was about why pharmacy, 2nd paragraph was about my mother's health condition and how it related to my low grades in the first place and how it showed my interest in medicine/drugs therapies. My third and fourth paragraph was my qualities, goals as a pharmacist, and how being in the PharmD will achieve my goals. Then I tied it up together in my conclusion.
Hopefully that should help you! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Good luck!