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This mini-treatise discusses and analyzes principal concepts of administrative law and process, including the political and legal nature of administrative law; legislative control of administrative discretion; executive control of administrative discretion; judicial control of agency discretion (threshold issues, procedural issues, substantive issues); and access to private and public information.
Call Number: Online via West Academic study aid subscription ISBN: 9781647087876 Publication Date: 2023-03-02This treatise provides a comprehensively updated analysis of administrative law in the United States, placing special emphasis on topics undergoing significant evolution or transformation in the Supreme Court and federal courts of appeals. These include, for example, the latest developments in Congress's authority to delegate legislative authority to agencies, deference to agency legal interpretations, the so-called "major questions doctrine," modern due process issues, and the presidential appointments power. The fundamental purposes of this book are to assess and explain the current state of the core doctrines of administrative law, place the most important aspects of those doctrines in a historical context, and identify important trends that can help readers understand how the doctrines may continue to evolve.
Call Number: Online via CALICALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Administrative Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. You can get this code from any reference librarian or at the Circulation Desk.
Call Number: Online via Aspen Learning Library subscription ISBN: 9781454891840 Publication Date: 2020-01-15The first two chapters of this text provide an overview of administrative law, what administrative agencies are, and how they fit into government structure. Later chapters go into detail about rulemaking and adjudication. The next chapters cover judicial review of agency action. Finally, it discusses information gathering and disclosure. Discussion of each topic is followed by examples to test your understanding of the topic and explanations of the examples.
Call Number: Online via the West Academic study aid subscription ISBN: 9781628103557 Publication Date: 2016-12-30Nutshells are little paperback books that give a concise overview of an area of law. This nutshell provides an overview of the laws governing administrative agencies. The authors summarize the dominant statutes and case law in the area, and also discuss informal administrative processes and the background realities of the regulatory state.
Call Number: Online via West Academic and Law Stacks KF5402.A4 A352 2006 ISBN: 9781587789595 Publication Date: 2005-12-06Essay after essay in this fascinating book explores the statutory and historical setting of the cases discussed, rather than mere doctrine, examining in detail lawyers' judgments and tactics. Many use recently revealed papers of Supreme Court Justices to discuss often surprising elements of the decision by the Court. Students can learn a good deal about the handling of these disputes at the administrative level, before they ever get to court -- a perspective essential to understanding the field, but hard to pick up from the reported cases. Attention is paid to the ways in which many of these decisions affected future developments, with primary focus on context and on understanding the ways in which administrative disputes develop, and the roles that lawyers play in developing them.
Call Number: https://uc.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://aspenlearninglibrary.com/product/casenote-legal-briefs-for-administrative-law-keyed-to-funk-shapiro-weaver-sixth-edition
ISBN: 9781543807141 Publication Date: 2018-12-05This title contains briefs for each major case in Funk's casebook on Administrative Law. It includes the black letter law, facts, majority opinion, concurrences, and dissents, as well as analysis of the case.
Call Number: Online via West Academic study aid subscription ISBN: 9781642425918 Publication Date: 2019Funk’s High Court Case Summaries on Administrative Law, 6th contains briefs for each major case in Funk’s casebook on Administrative Law. High Court briefs are written to present the essential facts, issue, decision and rationale for each case in a clear, concise manner. While prepared briefs can never substitute for the insight gained by actually reading a case, these briefs will help readers to identify, understand, and absorb the core “take away” knowledge from each case. Moreover, these briefs are followed by a useful legal analysis, which provides extra tips and contextual background about each case, connecting the case to the broader concepts being developed throughout the casebook. This book also supplies case vocabulary, which defines new or unusual legal words found throughout the cases.
Call Number: Online via West Academic study aid subscription ISBN: 9781636598185 Publication Date: 2022This title contains briefs for each major case in Lawson's casebook on Administrative Law. High Court briefs are written to present the essential facts, issue, decision and rationale for each case. These briefs are followed by a useful legal analysis, which provides extra tips and contextual background about each case, connecting the case to the broader concepts being developed throughout the casebook. This book also supplies case vocabulary, which defines new or unusual legal words found throughout the cases. Finally, to enhance the reader's recall, there is a corresponding memory graphic for each brief that portrays an entertaining visual representation of the relevant facts or law of the case.
Call Number: Online via Aspen Learning Library ISBN: 9781543823165 Publication Date: 2020-05-26This study aid emphasizes the essential components of administrative law, how they fit together, and why. The series format includes illustrative material, along with multiple opportunities for self-testing. It covers the important topics included in most casebooks:separation of powers, judicial review, agency decisionmaking, APA, Due Process, private enforcement, licensing, agency inspections, preemption and primary jurisdiction, liability of agencies and officials, and FOIA and open meetings.
Call Number: Online via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription ISBN: 9781611638905 Publication Date: 2018-04-01Mastering Administrative Law is designed as a supplement to law school courses in Administrative Law or as an introduction to the subject for lawyers trained in other legal systems. The book explicitly and in plain language identifies the functions of the various principles of administrative law. To facilitate the mastery of topics, this book includes a Roadmap at the beginning of each chapter that provides readers with an overview of the material that will be covered; Checkpoints at the end of each chapter that reiterate what has been learned; and a Master Checklist at the end of the book that reinforces what has been covered and helps readers identify any areas that need review or further study.
Call Number: Online via West Academic study aid subscription Publication Date: August 27th, 2021The West Academic Office Hours series is a collection of short audio and video tracks that tackle some of the thorniest questions plaguing law students. The professors answer students’ most frequently asked office hour questions. These videos cover: Presidential power, rule-making, Chevron, judicial review, Due Process, standing, regulatory negotiation, administrative law judges, and more.
Call Number: Online via West Academic study aid subscription ISBN: 9781640201811 Publication Date: 2018-11-21This book provides an accessible, yet sophisticated treatment of the essential principles of administrative law. Topics covered include a history of the American administrative state; theories of agency behavior; separation of powers and procedural due process, as they are implicated by the administrative process; the procedural framework of the Administrative Procedure Act; formal adjudicatory procedure; informal rulemaking procedure; and the availability, timing, and scope of judicial review. The book includes charts and diagrams that assist the reader in visualizing the major elements of the administrative process.
Call Number: Online via West Academic study aid subscription ISBN: 9781636592619 Publication Date: 2022-04-12This Guide explains complex Administrative Law concepts in accessible language without sacrificing the nuance that distinguishes a superior exam performance from an average one. It follows a logical sequence of topics used by many professors in their classes, starting with the constitutional foundations of the administrative state, continuing through the procedural requirements for agency rulemaking and adjudication, then the rules governing judicial review of agency action, and concluding with agency control over information.
Call Number: Online via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription and KF5402 .F68 2012 ISBN: 9781531004507 Publication Date: 2022-07-01This Understanding volume is designed to help the reader grasp the fundamental concepts of administrative law. Understanding Administrative Law addresses the role of administrative agencies in our system of government, the processes of administrative decisionmaking by agencies, and judicial review of agency action. It touches on the substance of the laws that agencies are called upon to implement and administer. As students study the topic of administrative law and later enter into legal practice, they will find that the substance of the laws that agencies implement and administer and the procedures that agencies follow in performing those functions are increasingly intertwined and, in many instances, almost inextricable. An awareness that no bright line exists between substance and procedure, particularly in the context of an administrative agency, is especially helpful to a thorough understanding of administrative law. Additionally, Understanding Administrative Law includes recommendations for identifying administrative law issues and tools for organizing the reader's thinking once an issue has been identified. It highlights the manner in which a client's issues may move through a typical agency and the manner in which lawyers cope with different stages of client representation before administrative agencies. Additionally, Understanding Administrative Law identifies trends in judicial review of agency action, including an evolving jurisprudence regarding the nondelegation doctrine, agency design, and judicial deference to agency interpretations of law. The seventh edition discusses recent cases and provides extensive citations to law review articles and other resources for readers who wish to study further topics covered by the volume.