How This Format Was Created by Kathryn Troutman
This Federal Resume format was created by Kathryn Troutman in 2000 when the Department of Defense agencies were using “Resumix” automated review system. The Resumix resume was a “big block” or words. Resumix was eliminated in 2010! Along with the Big Block format!
KATHRYN TROUTMAN created the best alternative was small paragraphs with ALL CAP HEADLINES / KEYWORDS. Instead of the “big block”. This Outline Format is preferred by federal human resources specialists and managers – GOVERNMENT-WIDE.
YES! This is the Federal Resume format that human resources recruiters like to see. It is easy to read, and they can find the keywords and qualifications EASILY when they are reading hundreds of applications. Easy to read! Easy to find the keywords! Easy to see Accomplishments!
What Makes This Outline Format Work? IT’S TARGETED TOWARD THE ANNOUNCEMENT !
Writing a federal resume is very different from writing a private industry one. Most federal resumes are 3 to 5 pages long. The challenge is to present large amounts of information in a clear, organized way that is easily scanned by both people and computers. The OUTLINE FORMAT succeeds because both the federal human resources staff or the online application programs can effectively identify that the experience you have meets the desired job qualifications.