
The mission of the Moscow Affordable Housing Trust is to create and preserve safe, inclusive, and affordable housing opportunities in keeping with the character of the community.

Moscow Affordable Housing Trust works with people whose household income is between 50% and 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), an amount that varies with household size. See the Buyer Information page for more details on what the program offers.

Community Land Trust

A Community Land Trust is a mechanism to create permanently affordable housing.

Click to more learn about a Community Land Trust .

Next Houses for sale

Watch this space for information about new projects . [ click to learn more about the program requirements ].

Houses are sold using local Realtors and traditional real estate listings. Contact a Realtor of your choice or Team Idaho Real Estate. [Please do not contact MAHT, we will send you to a Realtor.]

Steps to get ready

Click here for your next steps to be a buyer.

to our Donors in 2024

Section 3 Compliance

Section 3 is a means by which HUD fosters local economic development, neighborhood economic improvement, and individual self-sufficiency. Section 3 is the legal basis for providing jobs for residents and awarding contracts to businesses in areas receiving certain types of HUD financial assistance.

MAHT advertises projects to registered businesses and encourages contractors to seek subcontractors from the registry. Learn more